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4 Biggest Reasons New Businesses Fail

4 Biggest Reasons New Businesses Fail

Often when new entrepreneurs launch their first business, they have big dreams of seeing themselves on the cover of Forbes and being widely recognized as the next Bill Gates. Unfortunately, rarely do things pan out in this direction. Most businesses have very little hope for success statistically and are often…Continue reading...
The Money Riddle: Perception and Reality

The Money Riddle: Perception and Reality

It can be particularly hard to figure out how much money you need to find the most meaning in your life. How hard do you work to have what kind of standard of living? What kind of sacrifices should you make to receive certain conveniences or pleasures? Those are tough…Continue reading...
5 Things You Need to Know About Blockchain

5 Things You Need to Know About Blockchain

After a series of violent twists and turns, cryptocurrencies have entered the global limelight. Yet, many people haven't got the faintest idea of how things like Bitcoin transactions work. Well, to find an answer to that question, we have to examine the workings of the blockchain, the framework that supports the whole cryptocurrency ecosystem.…continue reading →
Ways To Use The Internet To Make More Money

Ways To Use The Internet To Make More Money

The internet is much more than simply an entertainment resource. The power of potential online is somewhat infinite, and the more you learn, the more earning capacity you develop. If you're looking to make a little extra scratch this year, take some time to enhance your base knowledge of the internet. continue reading →
3 Tips for Speaking With Your Insurance Carrier About Your Car Accident

3 Tips for Speaking With Your Insurance Carrier About Your Car Accident

While there are certain things that you can budget for each month, when an emergency takes place, it can completely wipe out your financial security. Especially when the emergency is something that's totally unexpected, like getting in a car accident, you might struggle with knowing how to work out all the specifics for how to fund this issue. Luckily, your car insurance can help with a lot of this financial pressure. But to ensure that you're able to get reimbursed and covered for everything you need, here are three tips for speaking with your insurance carrier about your car accident. continue reading →
Personal Choices That Have Business Consequences

Personal Choices That Have Business Consequences

The success of your business doesn't have to do just with your business decisions. In fact, many of the personal choices that you make will have extreme consequences for your company. These consequences may be immediate or only come later. They may have short-term effects, or they can be permanent. Though many people assume that business and personal decisions are separate and have separate consequences, this is not always the case.continue reading →
3 Ideas To Help You Bring In More Money Each Week

3 Ideas To Help You Bring In More Money Each Week

Regardless of how much money you make, it seems like there’s always room for a little bit more. Especially for people who are looking to pay off debt or save up for a large purchase, any extra money you can bring in each week or month is going to help you get that much closer to your goal. But if you already have a full-time job, you might not know what you can do that will bring in a decent amount of money without taking up all of your free time. So to help you find some ways make a little extra, here are three ideas to help you bring in more money each week.continue reading →
3 Tricks For Gambling Without Losing Too Much Money

3 Tricks For Gambling Without Losing Too Much Money

While it’s smart to be frugal with your finances, it’s also important that you’re able to let go every once in awhile and allow yourself to have some fun. For some people, something that can bring them a lot of fun and great memories is gambling. However, if you’re not careful, a night of gambling can leave you with a lot of financial issues when the morning comes. So to help ensure that you don’t wind up getting yourself into too much trouble, here are three tricks for gambling without losing too much money.continue reading →
Make More Money With A Better Business Blog

Make More Money With A Better Business Blog

Your business website isn’t fully complete without an added space for a well-written, engaging collection of blog posts.  A business blog is quickly becoming just as vital and beneficial to an organization’s digital success, so don’t sell your business short.  continue reading →