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Walmart memo to suppliers did not include mention of job cuts but said it would be specific roles and responsibilities within its merchant, sourcing, and replenishment teams in coming weeks. Officials have previously identified sourcing as an area of opportunity to generate investment in price. Around 200 replenishment jobs were…Continue reading...

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'13 Reasons Why' debuted on the streaming service in March and has since been both praised and ridiculed by entertainment critics and mental health professionals. The series revolves around a teenage girl who has completed suicide, but before doing so left audio recordings for 13 people she blames for he.Colorado…Continue reading...

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Nima, instead, stands in the light in her courtyard, between the home and the world, in a moment of reflection. Wangdi, again in Merak, rides a horse into the distance, but looks back. There is a restless dignity in him, as if he was challenging the camera. Everything is based…Continue reading...