3 Tips for Designing A Business T-Shirt People Will Want To Buy

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Depending on the type of business you’re running, you may find it necessary to create some kind of promotional materials that you can give away or sell in order to help get your name more recognition. For some businesses, one of the best ways to do this is to have materials that people can wear that represent your company, like a t-shirt. However, if you’re not used to making these types of products, you may find it hard to know what to do for these promotional materials. To help with this, here are three tips for designing a business t-shirt that people will actually want to buy and wear.

Know Who You’re Designing For

The first thing you have to nail down when you’re contemplating a t-shirt design for your business if who you’re designing the product for. Not all businesses have a customer base that would even wear a t-shirt promoting a company. So if you do have a market that does wear t-shirts, consider what type of clothing they’re interested in. According to Mike Ng, a contributor to CreativeBloq.com, you need to know the exact demographic you’re hoping to reach with your t-shirt design. If they’re young and creative, your shirts should reflect that. If they’re older and more functional, this should be evident in your shirt design as well. You want your target market to want to wear your shirt, so keep that persona in your mind throughout the entire creation process.

Test Your Design

Once you’ve come up with a design that you think might work, Leslie Truex, a contributor to The Balance Small Business, recommends that you test your design. To do this, show your design to people that fit into your target market and solicit their honest feedback. Try not to choose to test your design on people who know you personally; they may not be comfortable telling you what they really think for fear that it might damage your relationship. Once you’ve gotten some feedback, make any necessary changes to the design that you deem necessary. By doing this, you’ll ensure that you won’t have wasted all your time and energy on a product that no one will even want.

T-Shirt Style Is Just As Important As Imaging

While the design of the images or words on the t-shirt is important, the style of the actual shirt is equally important. There are all types of shirts out there, ranging in style and materials. To help you pick the right one, Matt Ellis, a contributor to 99Designs.com, advises that you pick a style that matches the design of your imaging and message. As long as you stay true to yourself and your brand, you shouldn’t run into too many issues.

If you’re considering creating a t-shirt for your business, use the tips mentioned above to help you make some that your customers won’t be able to resist.

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