Business Website Design Made Easy

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Designing your first business website may seem like a daunting task, but it really isn’t that difficult. There are a few important things you should know, though. There is more to a successful business website than just a few words and pictures.

It is perfectly acceptable to use one of the internet’s many website template generators, but make sure you know the specific aspects of site design that will most positively affect your visibility and digital success. If you’d rather have a personalized website design, it might be better to contact a web development company like WebEnertia ( That way, businesses can be confident that they have a good website.

Here is a quick snippet of just a few of the most important aspects of a successful business website to get you started in the right direction.

Learn everything you can about SEO

Search engine optimization is the key to understanding what the main search engines actually look for when formulating the results of a web user’s search inquiry. Your website does not look the same to the Google search bots as it looks to you.

Google sees in code. Search engine optimization will help you to understand Google’s search algorithm, so you may better formulate the makeup of each page on your business website.

Build an informative business blog

Once you have a grasp on the concepts of SEO, you will want to incorporate what you learned into building your website’s content. Design a “Blog” section on your site (like this example website shows), and fill it with a collection of well-written, informative posts.

It is important that you invest in a blog writer that will write something of substance. People will not waste their time reading something that was clearly written for advertising purposes. Let the click-bait gnomes produce the spam.

Make communication a priority

Communication is a vital aspect of business and of life. Not much can get done without communication. Your business website should encourage two-sided communication between your organization and its target audience.


Not only should you work a “Contact Us” page (like this example website shows) into your site design, but you should also integrate communication opportunities into other areas of your business website.

Navigation should be easily understood

Ease of navigation on your business website is key to lengthening viewer engagement. When people can easily move around your site, they tend to spend a little more time exploring. The longer you can get visitors to hang out on your website, the more likely it is that they will make a purchase.

Optimize your design for mobile access

Understand that mobile access to the internet is now more prevalent than that of PCs and laptops. You are not designing a website to fit a 17″ screen. Mobile screens are much smaller, and no one should have to pinch or swipe to adequately view your website.

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