Make More Money With A Better Business Blog

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Your business website isn’t fully complete without an added space for a well-written, engaging collection of blog posts.  A business blog is quickly becoming just as vital and beneficial to an organization’s digital success, so don’t sell your business short.  

Invest time and resources in boosting your business website by creating an impressive compilation of information-packed, original blog posts, and check out a few tips along the way.  Here are some ways you improve your business blog, and make a more effective impact online.

Write content that matters

When considering a topic for your business blog, take it back to the basics.  Stick to industry specific information, and aim to keep people informed on new and exciting changes in the business.  

Too often, bloggers over marketize their blog posts.  Writing a post simply to make a sale won’t benefit your business, so shy away from blatant sales pitches.  

Integrate social media sharing icons

Social media is a huge part of the internet, and millions of people spend time browsing the pages of the social web every day.  The easiest way to make your business blog a part of social media is to add social media sharing icons to the bottom of every post.  

Take a look at this Fort Worth law firm’s blog layout.  Theis social media sharing icons are tucked away nicely at the bottom of the page, but there is a sharing icon for nearly everything.  

Sharing new and exciting information is an everyday part of many web user’s routines.  Adding the small sharing icons strategically to your blog layout will help to spread the word and extend your organization’s digital presence.  

Optimize for speed and mobile

Everything in the modern business world revolves around how fast you can get something done, and your blog’s loading speed is no exception.  People won’t wait around for a heavy page to load; they’ll move to another page that loads instantly.

Invest in the loading speed of your business website as a whole, and don’t forget to set up your content for mobile viewing.  Mobile screens are typically much smaller than that of a PC or laptop, and your content should be designed to accommodate mobile traffic.  

Embrace communication

Your business blog should be used as a tool for communication.  Adding a “leave a comment” box at the end of every blog post will encourage readers to share their thoughts concerning your composition, and give your business a peek inside the minds of their audience.  

Maximize your SEO knowledge

Search engine optimization is a collection of concepts that will help you to create more effective content.  Ranking higher in the SERPs (search engine results pages) will place your blog in front of more web users, and SEO is the bridge that will get you there.  

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