Moving to a New Home? Here’s How to Stay on the Budget

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Moving is an extremely hard job, both physically and financially. No matter how hard we try to cut back our expenses, it is still going to cost us a lot of money. But the good news is that you can actually find many ways to be more organized and to spare some cash.

Know what’s coming

It is crucial that you are well-aware of all the costs coming your way. If you don’t take them all into account, they are going to eat you alive. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Removal costs – You need to find a reliable moving company. If you are from Australia, I would suggest the MoveageGroup since they will provide you with a high-quality service at affordable prices.
  • Removal insurance – The company you hired has to be insured. Also, check if your existing home insurance policy covers moving – because many policies do if you are using a professional removal company.
  • Storage costs – Look around and compare prices and security arrangements, and estimate for how long you’ll be needing a storage because the price depends on this.
  • Cleaning costs – You probably know that if you are moving out of a rental apartment (or any rental property), you must leave it tidy and clean. And if you don’t, your landlord will charge you professional cleaning costs, which are extremely high. So, shop around and find someone who will do the job the right way.
  • Mail redirection costs – This is an important task because this way, you are protecting yourself from identity frauds. Find a redirection service that is reliable and cost-effective.
  • Extra costs– Do you have a small child? Will you need childcare? What about pets? What are you going to eat? Will you cook or order a takeaway? You need to think ahead and plan the entire moving process and include these costs in your budget as well.


New house owners will need building insurance. Note that you don’t have to buy it from your lender; you can shop around and find the best deal. Also, you can buy insurance that covers damaged items (furniture and electronic devices), and you should also try to find some good deals.

If you make sure that your home is secure, then you can potentially reduce your home insurance premiums too. So, think about installing a full home security system as well as upgrade you door, and plan for a Fencing Installation that goes around your home so you have that added layer of protection.

Sort the bills out

Set up direct debits for all the payments. This way, all the money will automatically be paid from your bank account when the dues come. You will be able to keep the track of your budget and avoid all those late-payment extra charges, plus, many utility companies tend to give discounts for people who pay this way. If you are living alone (and you are in Great Britain), you might get a discount for your council tax.

Keep track

Every time your financial situation changes, you should review your budget. When you move into your new home, make time to calculate exactly how much money you earn and spend each month. Make yourself a budget planner that will help you with this.

Ditch your old stuff

Not only will you earn some extra cash while selling your old belongings, but you will also eliminate the extra weight – which will cut your moving costs. Before moving, determine which things you will need and which things you won’t use anymore.

Don’t pay for boxes

While moving, boxes are mandatory, and that is why moving companies tend to charge you for them. Buying boxes is unnecessary because there are tons of ways to get them for free:

  • Gather empty boxes from your office, such as printer-paper boxes;
  • Use social networks to post a request and ask your friends who you know recently moved;
  • Ask the local liquor store – they have tons of boxes they don’t need;
  • Check behind mid-sized stores as well.

And when you’re done, you can earn some extra cash by reselling the boxes to recycling companies.

Decorate it personally

Usually when people move in a new home, they instantly get the urge to fill the entire space and let their inner Philippe Starck loose. So, what do they do? They run to a home decor store where they spend tons of money on prints, paintings etc.

A better idea is to start decorating with something free – such as your own photographs. Get some cool inexpensive frames and print your most meaningful photos and voila – your wall is no longer boring, and you have spent the tiniest amount of money on it.

Moving has always been the most stressful and hardest thing to do. However, if you follow these tips, you can make it easier for yourself and minimize your expenses.

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