The Business Of Drug Rehabilitation
Millions of dollars are spent on drug and alcohol rehabilitation each year, yet countless Americans continue to struggle with substance use and abuse. There is a critical flaw in the approach to drug addiction, and it begins with the “business” of recovery.
Just as the healthcare system of America pulls in billions of dollars in revenue each year, the business of recovery is quite a lucrative industry. Marketing companies work closely with new facilities each day to draw in the maximum response. The problem is that the humanity of treatment seems to be lost behind the colossal dollar signs.
Helping people be well has been a source of income for many years in the United States. Take a moment to really look at a few hard facts surrounding the business of drug rehabilitation systems in our nation.
The science behind addiction treatment
The science behind the methods used in addiction treatment facilities around the world is questionable, or for lack of a better term, manufactured. Most medication assisted treatment methods known across the nation are firmly founded upon the outlines of Alcoholics Anonymous and have sometimes proven to be helpful for many addicts.
AA is not scientifically based in any form or fashion. Science has shown that the community of recovery is helpful for some, but there is no evidence that conventional 12-step programs are any more effective than personal willpower.
Success rates versus treatment enlistment
It is not hard to find statistics backing the proclamation that rehab does not work for the majority of patients. There are far too many variables that play into a patient’s urge to use that rehab simply does not work for more people.
Success rates in the United States are morbidly low, sitting close to five or six percent. Only five or six people out of every hundred clients of the rehabilitation business leave treatment with a healthy stamp of approval.
Twisting the truth is still a lie
Although marketing is necessary in the world of drug and alcohol rehabilitation, there is no excuse for a twisted message or unfounded promises. The problem with modern rehab marketing is that there are too many agencies that claim success statistics that are completely out of their imaginations. Any rehab facility that claims an 80 percent success rate with treatment is outright lying to the public.
The Hazelden-Betty Ford merger
Little does the general public know, two of the most successful and profitable rehabilitation agencies in the United States recently merged into one treatment megapower. The merger was clearly about money.
Though the two organizations are strictly labeled as nonprofit with the Federal Government, their top executives rake in six-figure salaries every year. Merging the two giants was an excellent business move, but how far away from the people has the business of recovery moved?